Video: Polynesia for Black Lives Matter by Sierra Van Rossem


Video by Sierra Van Rossem.

Music by Sierra's uncle Aisea Taimani.


  1. Very powerful videos, the small clips show well what happened and the protests made as well as the signs. Powerful choice of song too. I enjoyed watching the video a lot! - Aurelie Burlot

  2. I love this video because it does represent how polynesian people are for black lives matter because it includes clips of them standing with those who are protesting.

  3. I was amazed to see the amount of Polynesians continue to protest for black lives matter. As a Polynesian myself, it gave me the motivation to believe in what I want to believe in no matter how much of the world is against what you believe in.

  4. Very powerful video. It dIsplays an everyday, common issue and how cultural movements band together to unify against a common, social evil.


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